How Vogue Italia is the New Black | AvianQuests

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How Vogue Italia is the New Black

Monday, March 27, 2017

Vogue Italia - Who? Vogue, yeah...Now does that ring a bell?

Whilst Vogue is mostly into the fashion world, photographers do matter a lot to them since it is the platform which Vogue documents its products, events, etc.,

My involvement with Vogue Italia started in 2013. It's not a big deal however, it's kinda a deadly sin like say, you pursue an uncontrolled indulgence on your choice of chocolates whilst you're currently observing a spartan health diet (weight loss program). Hahaha. A world class image platform for your image portfolio for free-- why not. 

Humbly, building a photography portfolio is not that hard at all. The real challenge is once you submit your images for review,, Vogue Italia has a "clearinghouse" and that your images must pass their criteria before they approve your image submissions. This curatorship process is a third party mind filtering the images you have a bias but does not make the cut. If what you favor gets approved, then it's still okay.   

Once your image passed Vogue "clearinghouse/thumbs-up" of their photography editor/s, you'll get the Vogue stamp, the seal of approval of your photo and your image gets published with Vogue Italia magazine. Only Vogue Italy has this win-win arrangement with photographers.

Vogue Italia White Horse Moonlight Serenade by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo  Vogue Italia White Horse Moonlight Serenade by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo

The first image I submitted and was approved. It was published by Vogue Italia on 02.12.2013. A straight-forward black and white equine. Fauna theme.

Vogue Italia White Horse Pink Mane by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo My First Vogue Italia Portfolio Approved Image 

My follow-up submission that made it to the cut in the same year 26.11.2013 was a selective desaturation composition.Again, most photographic editors at Vogue Italia are imbued with "out of the box" mind set.
Vogue Italia gives their approval and publication information in Italian. Here's how it looks ...
n° Fotografi: 73051
n° Foto Approvate: 190171

Vogue Italia Market Shadows by avianquest a.k.a Peter C. Florendo  Vogue Italia Market Shadows by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo

I was surprised that I got an early first week 01.08.2014 publication. This time around, I focused on street photography centered on people doing livelihood.Again, I kept my pictures following the black and white direction.  

Vogue Italia Into the Light by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo  Vogue Italia Into the Light by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo

I believe that consistency is the key to high image approval rates. I got  "Into the Light" published on 03.24.2014 which is a black and white street photography cum Captured by the Moment genre. The story goes- One early morning, I saw three young boys going to school whilst passing by a street with lots of trees in our city. Deep impressions by the ambient light creating dramatic shadows.

Vogue Italia Karma by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. FlorendoVogue Italia Karma by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo

I finally got enough courage to submit and I got my first color image dubbed "Karma" published on 07.22.2014. It was a breath of new life. Abstract images definitely do make the cut at Vogue Italy.  

 Vogue Italia Foggy Swan Lake by avianquest a.k.a Peter C. FlorendoFoggy Swan Lake Black and White Image of my Vogue Italia Portfolio 

It's no surprise that even nature landscapes with dramatic atmospheres (fog, rain, etc.,) get through the Vogue Italia editor's impeccable judgment. I went back to the safe grind of posting black and white images. "Foggy Swan Lake" - All is calm one early morning at a peaceful lake. I watch the beautiful swan boats bathe in the light of the fog banks.Published: Vogue Italia Monday, November 24, 2014. 

 Vogue Italia Morning Graze by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo Morning Graze Vogue Italia Portfoilio Black and White by Peter C. Florendo a.k.a avianquest

Morning Graze is an attempt to photo-document equine stable life during sunrise.
It was published on 13.01.2015. 

 Vogue Italia Day's End by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo  Vogue Italia Day's End by Avianquest a.k.a. Peter C. Florendo

Day's End is my breakthrough color image presenting Philippine Cordillera indigenous culture.

Read more this at my blog linked below:

Vogue Italia Auto Ritrattistica by avianquest a.k.a Peter C. Florendo

"Auto Ritrattistica " A Street Photography cum Self Portraiture. I seldom present myself (image) to social media. On a casual day, I accidentally took a simple self-portraiture which involved a dog and people juxtaposed in a car repair shop. Published; Vogue Italia Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

Photography deals a lot with translating a physical/metaphysical everyday encounters with nature, events, people,etc., using a camera. Our human physical senses, our eyes, the windows of our soul is similar to the camera. The impressions we see get stored in our sub-conscious as thoughts whilst images get captured by the camera sensor and embedded as digital files to a small memory card. Our mind (metaphysical) embeds our thoughts, impressions, experiences in our brain (physical).

I see to it that i always ground myself to earth and keep reminding myself that, I don't compete with anyone else but myself alone. This is how I coined What My Soul Perceives. Focus, self determination. 

I'll leave my Vogue Italia in an open season for 2017 for I regard Vogue Italia as an important image portfolio to me which is a blessing in disguise. It's the new black. To photographers, why not start your portfolio with them. It's definitely FREE.  


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