After Kiltepan Rice Terraces we proceeded to Bomod-ok Trail, Sagada. I've never been to this place before, again, my first time. The morning air is fresh, cool and inviting.
Along the way is a travel sign post.... which reads Bangaan! Whoa! Wait a minute. I've been there before. Check-out out my previous blog
Our first stop over as my friend Harley asked us to check out this place. The green growing rice stalks, the bright morning sun, this side scene view is just priceless.
We reached the viewpoint and saw these two lads. I assume are best friends forever (BFF) seated under the cool shade of pine trees.
It's good that I brought along with me a wide angle lens. Here's the Fidelisan Rice Terraces in the morning whilst a slight haze minimally obscure the view. This is one hidden landscape gem as not most people who visit Sagada end up at this site or has knowledge about this place. Again, thanks much to my travel friend, Harley. You can call him a travel guru as he always visits frequently this beautiful location.
It also good to have handy telephoto lenses. I used here lightweight 85mm prime lens for my DX body DSLR camera.
More isolation shot images that I took using my 85mm. Again, I'm shooting handicapped with no camera tripod support.
I won't ask for anything more. The views presented here at Fidelisan Rice aTerraces are just hard to take in at one go.
Cordillera Administrative Region road networks are now well rehabilitated and are excellent for fast and safe travel. (Regional road system with 62.75% of total national roads paved (December 2014, Philippine Dept. of Public Works and Highways). This is the road which is located at the vantage point where my friends and I were taking pictures from. There's pine tree shade to block sun glare allowing us to seamlessly take the landscape image.
Our second group imposed travel stop happened when we arrived at Sagada Brew for a brunch (breakfast and lunch). (This is not a paid endorsement.)
Whilst waiting for our food and brewed coffee orders. I took a few. Well, I was not in the shooting mood as my body is just caught up in the coffee and food aroma wafting in the place.
Since the food and the place atmosphere was overwhelming, I was only able to take this shot. I just forgot to put the sound volume of my DSLR camera to low as the timer counted off 5 seconds whilst this shot was happening. Just set your camera timer then activate the shutter button and put your camera down on the table or on the floor, ground to take point-of-view (POV) shots like this one. It's using the ground as a tripod whilst camera is shooting upwards shot. Works 100%.
Another image whilst waiting for the food. Charlina brand Sagada Brew wine Ph pesos 250 / 5 USD$ per bottle and 30 per shot .6 cents; Strawberry Preserves Ph pesos 250 / 5 USD$ and Peanut Butter. (This is not a paid endorsement.)
I highly endorse Sagada Brew ... affordable, great food and brewed coffee, warm staff hospitality and homey ambience.
(This is not a paid endorsement.)
(This is not a paid endorsement.)
Earlier when we arrived I just took a photo of this place called Sagada Lemon Pie House.
My friends and I leave Sagada with fresh and indelible memories of Kiltepan and Fidelisan Rice Terraces (oops, I forgot, also the 13th Lang-Ay Festival . These Cordillera Administrative Region Mountain Province landscapes are among the few remaining highly sought after indigenous travel destinations. Other landscapes remain hidden as they are not listed on the tourist maps but only shared by few travel adventurers who share via blogs. I was so lucky to find these sites!
With a recharged body and soul, I make a commitment in soliloquy, in silence, I say,"I"ll be back".
Til next ... Thanks for dropping by. 😎
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