Hi guys! Humbly, newness is the new black and so I've decided to give my humble blog site a non-invasive "botox" shot (laughs).
I personally dig the absence of clutter and I love the minimalism which is one factor that made me decide for this neat/clean aesthetic blog change make-over. At the end of the day, there is no substitute to quality content and structure follows strategy. 'Nuff said and moving forward.
The MENU section (horizontal) is straightforward as follows:
DESTINATIONS- blog listing by location based in North Luzon, Philippines;
BLOG CONTESTS - lists all my blog post starting from the latest blog post and the last blog post that I've made since I started blogging;
PHOTOGRAPHY- lists featured photography topics;
TECHNOLOGY- blog listing dealing with "rocket science";
ABOUT - that's about the blog and myself;
Underneathe the Menu section is my social media links
and lastly the SEARCH (the blog contents).
With this "new look", you can now immediately get a "heads-up" of the featured blogs based on the label/category I chose for the day/week to display.
The automated slider automatically plays only once for you and once it's done and you still haven't selected a blog to view, you can use the manual sliders (left/right) to navigate.
Before I have a dynamic featured section but it was very small and I've tried to make the thumbnail images bigger but to no avail. This time around you guys get a featured section which is visually bigger and won't require magnifying glasses (laughs).
Furthermore, there's a navigation for you to READ MORE for each blog post and social media icons if you want to share the blog to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google Plus.
And don't be shy, just leave some comments in the comments link (once activated/clicked- a pop-up will be activated for you to add what's on your mind.)
You can also navigate/cycle through OLDER POSTS button.
"Sidebar" - Well, it's definitely a 100% non-alcoholic beverage section (laughs).
About Me- with a shameless mugshot;
Social Media links- Buttons to follow AvianQuest (same as what's up in the Headers section);
RSS Feed (Subscribe via Email) - It's 100% SPAM FREE. Why not give it a try;
Popular Posts- are determined by reader's choice of blogs;
Pinterest - acts as a "sandwich spread" between my Popular Posts and Recent Posts;
Recent Posts- my fresh blog posts; and lastly
YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE - or related posts now appears to blog posts which are similarly tagged/classified.
Blog Archive - blogs per month since I started February this year;Labels - specific categories of my blog posts;
Pages - is an equivalent to Menu section but this one is presented vertically. Although, this does not include sub-menu listing; and
The following are blog features which were removed/discontinued:
Pace - a third party plug-in which automatically show a progress bar when the page is loading.
Google Translate
BAD BACKLINKS - I applied Google disavow and now they're all gone.
Till next blog.
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