Why I Set Up Avianquests.com for Just 1 US Dollars are the Best Things Since Ice Cream | AvianQuests

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Why I Set Up Avianquests.com for Just 1 US Dollars are the Best Things Since Ice Cream

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

When suddenly with my present social media site that I am a member of that everything starts to feel limited, just like being inside a cramped box since I can't tweak (create, edit, maintain,, etc.,) and take full control of the social web page. My creativity was forever bound in shackles.  

I entertained the thought to release myself from the creativity straitjacket. with baby steps get to my tweak-able web page. So, I got myself started with a free website subscription which is hosted by a popular blog site. however, my engagement with them was short lived. It lasted after around 10 blog posts dismal views/traffic. I just kept that page dormant. I did not lose my zeal and enthusiasm.

Everything changed until I got myself with Google's Blogger. I began working with a third party, free minimalist template and populated it with the same content I used with the previously failed blog site which I kept dormant. 

One day, as if my Blogger site got struck by Thor's lighting, my 5th blog post 
https://www.avianquests.com/2017/03/baguio-night-market.html reached around 2.5K views in 1 day. I realized that I am on the right track. I continued to get acquainted and learning the ropes with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The keyword was I guess optimization.

My gameplan was to start with less cost and create a big impact. Two days ago by chance, I came across of tech guru with a site called Axlmulat.com on Youtube who introduced the idea that having a domain nowadays is very affordable. I followed the tech guru's lead and got myself a .com domain for just 1 (one) US dollar. 

Here's the YouTube video link.


From a blogspot.com, As of March 26,2017, I fully transitioned and it is officially Avianquests.com. Domain propagation period in my case was less than 4 hours. 

Owning a domain name nowadays is just so affordable. I clearly remember that way back the 80's dot.com boom era that having a domain name of your own is just was so very expensive. Also, it's a kinda pressing a one time fire and forget button that once you've set your domain settings right the first time, everything will be a breeze.

My efforts at present are getting my site optimized both desktop and mobile platforms. I still have lots of tweaking and learning to do. Bottomline, 1 (one) US Dollars investment for a 1-year domain subscription is a big saving. It's a big deal. Now, it's time for ice cream.

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